The Mobile Chamber Economic Development team is working to bring in projects and expansions that increase new jobs in the labor market. Jobs in the Mobile area grew by 7,257 over the last five years and are expected to grow by 6,362 over the next five years. While the prospect of bringing in so many jobs is exciting, it brings in a new challenge: Who will fill these jobs?
What’s next: The Mobile Chamber created the Mobile Area Workforce Alliance (MAWA) to work through this and find the answer. The MAWA first assembled in the fall of 2022 with the goal of producing the needed workforce in the Mobile area.
“I firmly believe collaboration is the key to unlocking our region’s true potential. Through this collective effort, we can foster a dynamic workforce ecosystem, and empower our community with the knowledge, skills, and opportunities needed to seize on job growth in the Mobile area,” said Mobile Chamber President & CEO Bradley Byrne.
This Alliance is comprised of:
The Chickasaw City School System
The Mobile County Public School System
The Saraland City School System
The Satsuma City School System
The Mobile Area Education Foundation
Bishop State Community College
Coastal Alabama Community College
The University of South Alabama
Spring Hill College
The University of Mobile
Alabama Industrial Development Training
Southwest Alabama Partnership for Training and Employment
South Alabama Workforce Development Council
The Mobile Chamber
MAWA provided an update on education levels and fields of study in Mobile. They also defined their objectives moving forward.
Why it matters: MAWA aims to showcase career opportunities for Mobile area students.

What they’re saying: “The educational providers in the Mobile area are committed to providing diverse opportunities for individuals to realize their academic and career goals. It is crucial that we collaborate and align these endeavors as a united front to bridge the gap between classroom knowledge and real-world demands, guaranteeing a smooth passage into the professions that are essential for our economic growth,” said Kellie Snodgrass, Workforce and Career Development Manager at the Mobile Chamber. “Providing clear paths to careers will enhance the overall quality of life for our community and the generations to come.”
Ahead of the 2023-2024 school year, MAWA provided an update on education levels and fields of study in Mobile.
To achieve their goal, the Alliance has formulated four pillars, measurable objectives, and action steps to achieve them.
The Alliance seeks to develop an integrated and seamless system for education and workforce development programs that focuses on business needs and worker preparation. Key objectives include ensuring education and training address skill and competency needs, aligning curriculum offerings with the demands of local employers, and focusing resources on career pathways leading to in-demand occupations.
MAWA aims to enhance Mobile's competitive advantage by expanding and improving career pathways and providing alternative educational pathways for non-academic degree-seeking students. The Alliance also plans to enhance career counseling services to guide individuals at different stages of their education and career journey.
The Alliance aims to improve collaboration between educational institutions and employers, increase support for Career & Technical Education in the Mobile area, and offer more job shadows, internships, work-based learning, and career exploration activities.
MAWA aims to develop uniform career awareness and mapping information to improve enrollment, completion, and migration to employment in high-demand sectors. The Alliance will conduct outreach and marketing campaigns to promote awareness of career opportunities, local growing industries, and available resources.
The Mobile Area Workforce Alliance is committed to building a skilled workforce and fostering economic growth in the Mobile area. Click here to read the full plan.