Zeigler Boulevard will temporarily close between Heidi Street and Centerwood Drive on Thursday, October 26. The one-day road closure is required to complete roadway and drainage construction related to the Zeigler Boulevard Widening Project. Traffic will be rerouted to the Zeigler Blvd. N. Service Road between Heidi Street and Centerwood Drive. Trucks and oversized vehicles are not permitted on the service road and will instead detour using an alternate route. Trucks traveling through the area will use Cody Road and University Blvd. to access Overlook Road as a detour. “No Trucks” signs will be displayed in the area of the detour. All activities are weather-dependent and may be delayed or rescheduled in the event of inclement weather. Motorists are asked to use caution when traveling through the work zone, especially at night, and keep watch for construction workers and equipment entering and exiting the roadway.
In addition, beginning Monday, October 30, the Zeigler Blvd. N. Service Road and Chalet Drive E. intersection will be closed for approximately four weeks to complete road construction related to the ongoing Zeigler Boulevard Widening Project. The closure will not affect traffic on Zeigler Boulevard.
The existing traffic signal at the intersection will be deactivated and put into flash mode during this closure. A uniformed law enforcement officer will be used at the Zeigler Boulevard and Heidi Street intersection to direct school traffic during peak hours in the morning and afternoon.
All activities are weather-dependent and may be delayed or rescheduled in the event of inclement weather. Motorists are asked to use caution when traveling near the work zone, especially at night, and keep watch for construction workers and equipment entering and exiting the roadway.